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World Wide News Events - Plane in 575 MPH Dive

Reel Number: 220584-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1939

Country: USA

Location: Buffalo New York

TC Begins: 09:08:35

TC Ends: 09:09:56

Duration: 00:01:21

World Wide News Events - Plane in 575 MPH Dive H. Lloyd Childs, test pilot for the Curtiss airplane company, takes off for dive trials in pursuit of a ship to be sold to France. Instruments record that the plane hits almost ten miles a minute - a World record. Single engine plane - propeller turning. Plane lifts off and in flight. Aircraft goes into deep spinning dive. Plane lands. Pilot and ? examine scientific instruments taken from plane. Pilot smiles. 1939; Aviation Technology;

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