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WWII - 1940s, Germany: A-5 Rocket Launches W/ Von Braun

Reel Number: 250152-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Germany,USA

Location: Greifswalder Oie,peenemunde related

TC Begins: 17:17:37

TC Ends: 17:24:10

Duration: 00:06:33

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Title: W.F. 69-28 Prod. No. 3899 - Proj. BM-97 - Flight tests of German Aeronautical Equipment. Scenes of A-5 missile on launch pad - engine ignition, lift off and climb 17:17:53 01:54:10 Men pushing large crated rocket on rail cart towards erector. 17:18:13 01:54:30 Scenes of A-5 winched into upright position & technicians preparing missile for test, including Nazi officer & Wernher Von Braun at base of ladder. 17:19:34 01:55:46 Wernher Von Braun and others leaving pad area. CU of fueling by technicians. 17:19:46 01:55:59 Tracking camera footage of A-5 launch & climb 17:19:54 01:56:16 Wreckage in water, roped Von Braun wading into water to attach recovery cables to A-5 wreckage as others pull from shore. 17:20:43 01: 57:07 Scenes from tracking cameras of A-5 launches cut in w/ technicians preparing missiles for flight. Parachute lowering rocket into water, men in boat retrieving. A-5 missile pulled onto a small boat after test. 17:23:42 01:59:54 Von Braun in shorts, & other men, wading into water to bring an A-5 to shore after flight WW2 Inventions; Nazi Weapons Testing; Technology; Flying Bomb; Weapons development; Operation Paperclip (related); NOTE: A-5 was flown from 1938 - 1942 to test aerodynamics & technology of the A-4 / V-2 NOTE: Sold at per reel price. Good quality & action. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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