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WWII - Color, 1944, USA Training Film: Radar,AN/UPN - 1 & 2, BUPS. Aug44

Reel Number: 250182-06

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: England,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Florida

TC Begins: 06:42:09

TC Ends: 07:09:05

Duration: 00:26:56

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - Color, 1944, USA Training Film: Radar,AN/UPN - 1 & 2, BUPS. Aug44 Title re Warning Secret under espionage act. 06:42:25 Intertitles: Radiation Laboratory - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AN/UPN - 1 & 2. Ultra Portable Microwave Radar Beacons and their tactical uses. Laboratory Designation “BUPS” 06:42:51 Sd. Light plane being guided in using radar 06:43:03 Animation of map showing England, where radar was invented, & radar waves w/ question mark, radar scopes in operation of radar wave from ground & from plane. 06:44:10 Radar kit attached to plane “Jersey Bounce” on fuselage 06:44:21 BGS radar machine at Radlab - man pointing various parts that make it up including transmitter, power supply. MCU Antenna of BPS radar unit. 06:45:24 Man at plane window , shadow of four-motor plane across desert ground. Man at radar set in use on plane. Animation of plane overhead; animation of beacon pattern. Tilt up actual antenna. 06:45:59 Chart / diagram showing route of signal from antenna to transmitter thru discriminator, coder etc. 06:47:08 CU PPI oscilloscope w/ sweep & radar blip showing. USA east coast w/ location of beacons. 06:48:17 Light plane landing over city. CU Western Union telegram. Line of battleships firing; aerial view of mock dogfight of two P-35s & British paratroopers jumping from plane, descending & setting up early radar equipment known as Eureka & operated against sets known as Rebecca. CUs. 06:49:31 Supplies dropped by parachute in farm field. 06:49:43 CU Radar display showing being jammed by enemy. 06:49:54 MS BUPS equipment / set; portable radar equipment & van in front of building & antennas. 06:50:17 Battery operated BUPS unloaded from experimental truck - radar is in two main boxes w/ battery & operating unit. Cover removed & receiver & coder tubes & other parts pointed out on the chassis. 06:51:14 Classroom - man at blackboard drawing diagram of tactical uses of BUPS. Animation & diagrams showing possible tactical uses of BUPS to support bombers over targets not visible by radar. 06:52:32 AC Model of BPS as installed in aircraft 06:52:59 Diagram showing uses of ‘Rose BUPS’ w/ animation of plane over ship; night fighters. GCI station. 06:55:11 Radar mast turning, animation of scope scan. Ships guns turning; amphibious landing assisted w/ BUPS. BUPS beacon used for directional firing on land targets. Diagram. 06:56:23 Intertitle: Florida Trials. 06:56:41 Two men carry BUPS equipment; BUPS set up on beach. B-25 on Florida airstrip, takes off & over coast, radar operator studies screen & homing in on beacon signal from portable microwave set. 06:59:26 BUPS field operator turns on beacon & checks set; men check watches, adjust set for BUPS & radar operator scope w/ sweep. Plane lines on beacon; men check watches, change codes; continue on approach. 07:02:56 Diagram compares air view to scope view to directing landing; BUPS set up at each end of runway. CU cockpit, pilot’s hands on B-25 controls. Radar operator tunes ASG III w/ sector scan used, screen shown. 07:07:07 Plane approaching & lands safely. BUPS equipment, airman adjusting. BUP-X kit w/ cover off 07:08:46 End title. August, 1944. WW2 Technology; Science; Electronics; Spying; Spies; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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