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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221383-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1900s,1910s,1915
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 08:49:58
TC Ends: 08:59:42
Duration: 00:09:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1905-1915 Early German Street Scenes; WWI gun firing; Bleriot & other aviators; Motorcycle Road Race; Liner Imperator; Winter Street Scenes ca 1910s. Pedestrians, cars, horse pulled carriages, buses thru streets. Woman w/ large feathered hat. Horse drawn bus; motor buses. Brandenburg Gate. Policemen in street; vendors carts. Park benches. 08:52:01 The End. 08:52:31 Intertitle (German). 08:52:48 Very large coastal defense gun loaded w/ powder charges & raised into position, fired. Men open breech, smoke out & move new shell in & tamp in powder sacks. Close, raise & fire from within concrete emplacement. 08:53:59 Two men help Louis Bleriot, in cap, move out his airplane w/ hanger behind. Motor started. 08:54:19 Gabriel Voisin in leather flying helmet standing in front of Bleriot aircraft. 08:54:35 Voisin in cockpit of plane, turns cap around & looks around. 08:55:05 Bleriot aircraft overhead. 08:55:08 Several motorcycles around road race course toward camera & past. Thru village. France? 08:56:02 Innertitle re ship in Elbe. Pan along large liner Imperator w/ three stacks, excursion boat past. Name visible. Ship docked & harbor seen in long pan. 08:57:20 Women & men down stairs of large building w/ columns. Many other people standing watching. 08:57:31 Sleighs & cars on snowy street past same building. Other winter scenes of pedestrians, mounted police, traffic. 08:58:08 Parade of troops in uniforms w/ many flags. LS of people walking along snowy street, some horse carts. 08:58:56 Royal carriage pulls up. Military in feathered hats largely block view of woman in robes and ?? out & up steps. Kaiser & wife (?). Sports - Motorcycle Racing; Aviation Pioneers; Germany Daily Life; Transportation; Ships; Inventors; Pre-WWI; Pre-WW1; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: