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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220500-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1913
Country: Russia,Turkey,Ukraine
Location: Azov, Ukraine
TC Begins: 04:35:14
TC Ends: 04:39:27
Duration: 00:04:13
1913 - Russian Pageant (?) or film celebrating Russo-Turkish War Against Azov Fortress Russian Inter-title: ?? 04:35:16 Russian Inter-title: Historical drama / play 15Aug1913. 04:35:25 Russian Inter-title: ?? 04:35:27 Russian Inter-title 02May1696 (?) ?? 04:35:32 Pageant in St Petersburg - Peter’s Park. Large painted backdrop w/ partially constructed ship below village. Men in costume, lake / pond / tank in foreground. Others run out & harangue; royalty or VIPs stride out and all others bow down. VIP leader takes off hat & gestures / speaks. They leave, others come out & walk across. 04:36:37 Russian Inter-title: Second Part - Voronezh 3May1696. 04:36:45 People in row boats on water in front of same painted backdrop; pan to elaborate sailing ships entering pod from left Also smaller ship rowed by 14 oarsmen, stops & men pray (?). 04:37:51 Russian Inter-title: ?? leaves for Azov (?) 19??1696. 04:37:56 Flag raised on rowed ship; larger ship fires cannons, set of fort. Explosions in water & smoke rises from backdrop of fort. Men storming fort. 04:38:38 Russian Inter-title: ?? 30??1696. 04:38:44 Men running across back of water beneath painted backdrop of fort & city. Horses & royal carriage across, followed by horses & other carriage, marching soldiers. Primitive Motion Picture; Flotilla; Fleet; Navy Campaign; Drama; Primitive Historical Dramatic Film; History; NOTE: Peter the Great led campaign during Russo-Turkish War to capture Turkish fortress of Azov which blocked Russia’s access to Azov Sea & the Black Sea.