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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220494-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914
Country: France,Russia,Sweden
Location: St. Petersburg,Verdun
TC Begins: 22:13:11
TC Ends: 22:20:37
Duration: 00:07:26
1914 - Russian Cavalry; Serbian Diplomat; Sweden; French Leaders; WWI Artillery; Troop Movements. Russian inter-title: St. Petersburg Cavalry training, multiple riders jumping on horseback over fences, stone walls & around course. 22:13:52 Russian inter-title: St. Petersburg - Serbian diplomat Professor Verguna leaves Kazan Cathedral after a service for Serbian Jews (?) Man thru crowd, tipping hat, & into carriage. 22:14:14 Russian inter-titles: Sweden - Albert, King of Belgium arrives. 22:14:18 Russian inter-titles: ?? 22:14:23 GOOD shots horse drawn carriage arrives in front of building. Various shots dignitaries / VIPs arrive & depart. 22:14:46 Russian inter-title: France - Poincaré & Vivian on a train before their journey to Russia 22:14:52 Train towards camera, VIPs walk past. VIPs boarding ship; w/ sailors etc. 22:15:10 Russian inter-title: France - A parade & maneuvers 22:15:15 CU French officer (?) posing. Two groups of French cavalry, one on black & other on white horses; perform w/ lances on large parade ground lined w/ spectators & trees. Military exercise / display w/ artillery & firing of guns. 22:16:01 WWI scenes of battle at Verdun from hilltop; wounded & captured (?) troops up hill & French descending in hillside trenches. 22:16:50 French title re statistics. 22:16:52 French troops along muddy trenches; smoke from artillery behind.. 22:17:10 Inter-title: “Dans la fournaise”. Pan across valley, much smoke. 22:17:41 Inter-title: “Premier lot de prisonnier”. 22:17:49 Men lifting w/ pole & pushing artillery stuck in mud, horses pull up road, men run after. 22:18:11 Inter-title: “Preparation d’artillerie”. Dug in large artillery firing from under canvas netting. 22:18:25 Inter-title: “..premier lot de prisonnier”. 22:18:42 Wounded & other prisoners of war, POWs across rocky ground. Troops, horses & wagons along road w/ large railroad cannon shells stacked in foreground. Army trucks, carts & officers on bicycles along road w/ mud & water. (GOOD). 22:19:23 Man working field w/ four oxen. 22:19:40 French Inter-title: ...preparations in Verdun for attack. Troops w/ horses & wagons thru Verdun seen from above thru damaged building. Stretchers w/ wounded, Russian (?) officers standing. End title. WW1; ca 1914;