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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220502-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1913
Country: Armenia,Germany,Russia,Ukraine
Location: Armavir,Berlin,Moscow,Odessa
TC Begins: 08:10:18
TC Ends: 08:16:20
Duration: 00:06:02
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1914 - Russian Soccer; Palm Sunday Fair; Odessa Dog Show; Railway Opening; Actress; Aerobatics Russian Main title. 08:10:21 Russian Inter-title: Moscow - Soccer Match between the Russian / National & Moscow teams. 08:10:26 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:10:31 Team onto field past onlookers. Teams playing before small but filled grandstand. 08:11:37 MS of spectators in grandstand, mostly military. Pan to show length of grandstand. 08:11:48 Russian Inter-title: Palm Sunday Fair at Red Square in Moscow. 08:11:51 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:11:56 MS of crowd milling about w/ horses & carriages thru. Slow pan across crowd watching camera. MCU. Men holding placard (backside to camera). 08:12:53 Russian Inter-title: Odessa - Dog show. 08:12:59 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:13:05 Pan across various sized dogs in small wooden boxes. Band playing behind dogs. 08:13:45 Dog leaping high board hurdle; German Sheperd dog climbing ladder outdoors to roof; returns down. 08:13:59 Russian Inter-title: Armavir - Opening of new railway line between Armavir & Tuapse. 08:14:05 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:14:07 Large crowd, railroad steam engine moves thru w/ flowers, flags & VIPs riding on top; people hanging on steps of passenger cars. 08:14:36 High angle shot of crowd 08:14:51 Russian Inter-title: Actress Piontkovskaya. 08:14:55 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:15:02 Actress down steps, watched by kids & others; others leave building. 08:15:14 MCU Piontkovskaya posing by poster on building. 08:15:19 Russian Inter-title: Berlin - French pilot Adolphe Pegoud resumes flight with passengers on board . 08:15:25 Polish Inter-title (?): 08:15:31 French pilot & passenger buckled in to open mono-wing plane w/ tubular fuselage. Takes off away from camera. 08:15:48 Aerobatics in air doing rolls & loops. The End. Sports; Football; Transportation; Publicity; Animals; Early Aviation; Dangers; NOTE: Complete reels may be combined to not exceed 10 minutes & sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: