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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220500-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1915,1910s
Country: Russia,Sweden
Location: Moscow
TC Begins: 04:29:41
TC Ends: 04:35:01
Duration: 00:05:20
1915 - Russian Track & Field Meet; Parade For Collecting Tobacco For Army; Swedish Railroad Snow Plow Russian Main Title 04:29:47 Russian Inter-title: Moscow - Running competition during the Spring sports festival 04:29:52 Russian Inter-title: ?? 04:29:54 Three sprinters running towards camera, breaking tape. 04:30:13 Russian Inter-title: Kolaev breaks the the high jump record at 1m 73cm. 04:30:19 Jumper clears bar. 04:30:22 Russian Inter-title: Weightlifting - Tug of War. 04:30:24 Weightlifter warms up, lifts weights & bar w/ one arm; various weighted bars w/ two arms as other athletes & judges watch. 04:31:31 Man lying on back lifting weights on bar w/ legs. 04:31:52 Russian Inter-title: ?? 04:31:54 Two teams at tug of war. Judge signals start & winner. 04:32:35 Russian Inter-title: Moscow - collection of tobacco for the army. 04:32:38 Parade w/ floats thru small city streets - crowds walk alongside. 04:33:07 Floats from behind crowd, hillside beyond w/ fort (?) & wall on top. Various groups on wagons in ethnic costumes & w/ flags. GOOD. 04:34:07 Russian Inter-title: Sweden - Tests for a railway snow plow. 04:34:11 Large steam train towards camera w/ rotary plow on front blowing snow. Men walking alongside watching. 04:34:56 Kids looking at stationary rotary blades. 1910s; Sports Competition; Athletes; Strength; WW1; WWI Military Support; War Effort; Home Front; Inventions; Winter Weather;