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1916 - WWI, Unid. Battle of Verdun Related & Misc. Battle Scenes

Reel Number: 220494-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1916

Country: France

Location: Verdun

TC Begins: 22:07:02

TC Ends: 22:13:10

Duration: 00:06:08

1916 - WWI, Unid. Battle of Verdun Related & Misc. Battle Scenes Troops on the front push cart w/ shells (?) on track thru mud; body partly out of water in mud. Night, searchlights, surrenders; men move & work large searchlight. Intercut w/ daylight brief shots. 22:08:00 Troops off ship gangway. Captured sailors over side of naval ship; whaleboats towed in line. 22:08:13 Large star w/ hammer & sickle Russian flag. Troops gather around burning plane. Pilot out of German biplane on ground behind as troops run up. 22:08:51 French inter-titles: The Victory of Verdun 15Nov1916... French text on behalf of the Republic, thanking people who took part. Title re using donkeys in preparing for the attack. Donkeys / pack burros carrying supplies herded up road by soldiers, village houses behind. 22:09:33 Title (French) re artillery en route for the front. 22:09:36 Explosions in distance on ridge, pan over valley w/ much smoke & explosions. GOOD. 22:10:09 Large camouflaged railway gun fired over village. 22:10:12 Title (French) ”an enlisted soldier” re troops cross a valley of Verdun. Troops march along wet road thru destroyed village. 22:10:43 Soldiers up hill past water filled craters. MCU soldier trapped in mud as others pass. 22:11:04 Title (French) re the troops wait for battle to begin. Sitting on rocky hillside below ridge, smoke beyond. German artillery smoke drifting & explosions. 22:12:11 LS Germans running across open valley. 22:12:15 Sinking ship in MCU from another. 22:12:24 Two officers watch truck pulling large artillery or cannon. 22:12:36 Burning city w/ cathedral dome (staged shot). 22:12:45 (Odd scenes of battle). Germans (?) behind artillery; navy ships. German troops marching in parade in city w/ marching band. Explosions in field. Large soup kettle cooking w/ Russian (?) officers waiting. World War One; WWI; Battles; Fighting; Destruction; France;

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