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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221092-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 16:25:43
TC Ends: 16:27:49
Duration: 00:02:06
1920s - 1930s - Germany: Daily Life Street Scenes - Workers, Transportation, Eating, Pedestrians MCU Street scenes, people talking on sidewalks, traffic past. POV beneath train cars, run over. Slug. 00:20 Meat cutters / butchers, pushing sides of beef hanging on cart. Policeman walking school boy; giving directions to woman shopper. Electric trolley past men laying cobblestones; steelworkers riveting / bolting girders. Elevated train crossing over horsedrawn delivery wagon; view above elevated train around corner; high angle above street market. Street market scenes, delivery wagon passing w/ kegs / barrels. Slug. 01:18 People eating; pigeons; sitting in sun; women talking; horse carriages waiting, heavy businessman riding thru street. 01:53 Monument, fountain, High Angle / HA traffic. View in street of passing traffic, policeman directing, pedestrians crossing avenue. 02:13 End. NOTE: Good quality,