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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220640-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1924,1920s
Country: USA
Location: SandPoint, Seattle , Washington
TC Begins: 19:20:50
TC Ends: 19:35:04
Duration: 00:14:14
1924 - Aviation, USA Military: First Round The World Flight Preparations Float plane / biplane lifted by crane from barge (?) into water. 19:22:07 Twin cockpit Douglas World Cruiser biplane w/ large square radiator on nose & US Army Air Service insignia on fuselage pulled in strong current by line to outboard motorboat w/ three men standing on pontoons w/ island or land behind. 19:23:38 Pilots & crew pose in group in front of plane with Air Service USA insignia. MSs Pilots shaking hands w/ officers or ?? in heavy coats. Men looking at compasses. Plane taxiing & another overhead 19:24:59 Pilot Erik Nelson & co-pilot Jack Harding in front of aircraft New Orleans w/ two women & very large floral basket. 19:25:07 Aircraft on dock beside crane prepared to lift into water. People around New Orleans. Preparing to lift plane Seattle w/ civilian VIPs & flowers talking w/ Major Frederick Martin. 19:26:15 MS & CUs. Pontoons being attached; wheels removed from aircraft, replaced by pontoons w/ plane suspended from crane. 19:27:59 Flags presented to Major Frederick Martin by woman; hanger & cars in background 19:28:42 MS young ladies talking to aircrew in front of plane on muddy field; serve picnic lunch, CUs eating. CU serving cake. 19:30:25 Pilot pointing to route from Pacific Northwest on map on plane insignia. Eating. 19:30:41 Black slug. 19:30:43 Biplanes landing on grassy field (Sand Point near Seattle ?). Pilots get mail. Other planes landing. CUs of pilots, especially Major Martin. Cockpit & pilots in plane. 19:32:41 Civilian men looking at planes parked w/ hanger in background. Plane taxiing past. LS of plane approaching & across inlet to land 19:33:41 CU tools in kit on plane. Boys w/ bicycles behind plane. Planes parked w/ engines exposed. Boy washing tail rudder of aircraft. 19:34:44 Repairs, arc welding on wing. MCU Removing radiator & working on engine. GOOD. 1920s; Aviation; Transportation; Firsts; Military Fliers; Adventurers; NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate.