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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220625-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1927,1920s
Country: USA
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana,Mississippi River,South,Vicksburg, Mississippi
TC Begins: 02:29:42
TC Ends: 02:35:06
Duration: 00:05:24
1927 - Disasters, Floods, USA: Mississippi River R1 of 2 Title. 02:29:47 Fast, raging water w/ farm buildings behind seen from levee near break. Shots of water carving against grass sod, submerged houses in distance. 02:30:23 Soldier patrolling on dike. 02:30:39 POV past submerged houses, barns & trees; people marooned on levees w/ animals, furniture & goods. 02:31:24 People in railroad boxcar & on barges to stay above water. 02:31:47 Outboard boat pushing small barge w/ horses. 02:31:57 Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover & Red Cross posing. Blacks moving carts of army cots & loading trains w/ crates. 02:32:24 Baton Rouge levee reinforced w/ sandbags. Moving cattle down street & barging off. Army moving boats into water for rescue work & loaded w/ people w/ men pushing in waist-deep water. POV thru town. 02:33:13 Mules off river steamer / barge. People leaving houses by rowboats. 02:33:43 Paddle wheel boat pushing barge; Military amphibious biplane over. Man rows to rescue woman on roof. Rescued people passing, some in Coast Guard boat. CU mother and daughter. 02:34:28 Paddle Boat load of rescued cattle. POV from USS Inspector on river between Vicksburg & Baton Rouge. Rural Poverty; Farm Animals; Victims; 1920s; Aid; Assistance; NOTE: Dark intertitles thruout.