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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250188-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: USA
Location: COLUMBUS,DC,Harrisburg,New Jersey,newark,Ohio,Pennsylvania,Washington
TC Begins: 18:48:57
TC Ends: 18:55:37
Duration: 00:06:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1930s - Aviation, Commercial: LIndbergh: President Honors Lindbergh; Passenger & Mail Service SOF Admiral Byrd walking ahead of President Hoover & Lindbergh out of White House; stand posing deciding exactly where to stand, waiting. 18:49:53 Hoover (SOF): “Colonel Lindbergh I have just had the great personal pleasure of presenting to you in the name of the Congress, the Congressional Medal for your services to aviation. And I am sure the whole American people participate in that presentation.” 18:50:10 Lindbergh: “Mr. President I want to express my very deep appreciation to you sir & to the Congress of the United States for this honor.” 18:50:19 Hoover: “I’m sure it is deserved.” MCU posing. Walk towards White House. 18:50:49 Black 18:51:00 Lindbergh w/ newsreel cameramen & reporters in front of tri-motor plane. Taxiing 18:51:20 Black 18:51:27 Interior of passenger & airmail plane w/ Lindbergh piloting to Los Angeles. Shadow of plane on ground; over Pennsylvania State Capitol, Harrisburg. 18:53:00 Black 18:53:07 Alleghany Mountains; clouds; Pittsburgh & Ohio farmland. Columbus, Ohio & airport. Landing. 18:55:19 Black 18:55:26 TAT Maddux above aircraft door, opening & Lindbergh & co-pilot Bob LeRoy pose (brief). Hero; Celebrity; Medals; Honors; Ceremony; Commercial Airlines; Transportation; Aviation; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: