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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250004-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936
Country: USA
Location: California,SANTA MONICA
TC Begins: 07:41:11
TC Ends: 07:50:33
Duration: 00:09:22
1936 - Commercial Aviation, USA: DC-3 Douglas Sleeper Transport, ca 05Jan36 DC-3 taking off. 07:41:34 Air to air of DC-3; interior; exterior w/ American Airlines markings. CU pilot / co-pilot hands on controls. Interior w stewardess helping passenger in berth. CU passenger in sleeping berth. Plane over mountains; developed land & city. CU plane in flight. GOOD. 07:44:50 Multiple takes of models / aka passengers out of terminal to airplane, waving. 07:45:26 Boarding, followed by men. Door closed. 07:46:07 DC-3 in flight over city. 07:47:29 MS cockpit from rear w/ pilot & co-pilot talking. CU controls & gages. 07:48:34 MCU berth, woman in bed, stewardess looks in & covers her up. She / model wakes up smiling. Other shots of passengers seated & in berths & stewardess. 07:50:20 Cockpit shot. Firsts; Promotional Films; Transportation; NOTE: Douglas Sleeper Transport, DST, first debuted on 17Dec35. American Airlines purchased NC-14988 28Apr36, Chicago, Illinois. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.