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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220458-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936,1930s,1920s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:30:42
TC Ends: 04:46:27
Duration: 00:15:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles Map of USA showing South Carolina location; title re poverty & Blacks; illustrated SC map w/ proportion of Negroes. 04:32:04 LS pan rural landscape w/ unpainted wooden houses, church & tenant farmer shacks. MLS Dirt road w/ car past wooden houses. MSs Black women working in field stripping cane & w/ Black men, some in suits. 04:33:46 Map of SC shows chief crops: corn, cotton, tobacco. 04:34:00 Woman & boy picking poor crop of cotton. 04:34:26 Intertitle re school. Teenage boy drives mule cart w/ cotton to farm. Unloading wagon, cotton sucked thru pipe to barn storage. 04:35:18 Intertitle re increased illiteracy in South Carolina between 1920 & 1930. Chart showing four of five illiterate people are Blacks; one in every five Blacks between 16 and 20 are illiterate. 04:36:03 Young small Black worker shovels out loose material into wagon. 04:36:39 Bales of cotton weighed & rolled out of barn onto wagon & hauled off. 04:37:30 Intertitle: Farms are both tenanted & owned by Negroes. 04:37:35 Pan field w/ scraggly trees & wooden shack to old Black woman & young White man. Old Black man shakes hands w/ White man, poses. 04:38:20 Chart & text outlining SC school administration & school population & spending by race. Quote from US Constitution’s XIV / 14th Amendment. Title re school expenditures by race. 04:40:17 Black students into two story wooden school building, teachers in front. 04:40:44 Chart compares SC Black & White teacher salaries. 04:41:12 Teachers in front of school. Children of all ages file out of school & students line up outside school posing stiffly. Pan line; MCUs of some. 04:43:13 Intertitle: The Broom Brigade does all janitorial work. The county furnishes only teachers & two tons of coal. The rest is up to the Negroes. 04:43:29 Children out of school w/ brooms, little girl sweeping outdoors; teachers ring handbell & blow horn, children file back into school. 04:44:45 Intertitle card re outdoor toilet using stove ashes. Young White man opens door of privy; wooden outdoor toilet propped up w/ poles 04:45:12 Intertitle: “Oakley Hall (white) has transportation, repairs and supplies from the county.” 04:45:19 Pan outside Oakley Hall brick school building w/ large shade trees & new painted outhouse. Paved road. White kids playing basketball. NAACP; Racial Segregation; Ethnic; American Poverty; Rural Southern Economy; American South; Racism; Race Politics; Economics; 1920s; 1930s; Minority Educational Inequality; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: