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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220624-15
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Monroe, Michigan
TC Begins: 00:16:32
TC Ends: 00:19:29
Duration: 00:02:57
1937 - Depression, USA, Labor Strike: Deputies Rout Newton Steel Plant Strikers by Gas Barrage 10Jun37 (?) LS railroad tracks w/ Newton Steel plant / factory in background; strikers waving wooden clubs & blocking road; men & women turn back car. CU women armed w/ bricks. Strikers surround & stop car. Men & photographers walking along road; MCU women standing w/ clubs. 00:17:17 Police fire tear gas; men running across field thru trees in orchard. 00:17:25 MLS Police firing tear gas from along road w/ cars parked. LSs of men & firing gas. Motorcade of cars w/ strikers chasing & opening car doors. 00:17:51 Burning ?? beside road. Riot & men smashing car; rolling cars down side of road into river. 00:18:05 SOF National Guard army trucks w/ troops arriving. Soldiers out of trucks parked in lines in field. CU at machine gun. Marching w/ rifles; setting up pup tents. 00:18:30 13Jun37 (?) Motorcade of cars arriving, off road & CIO (?) union organizer addresses open air meeting (SOF) “We’re going to make these hoodlums in Monroe just as decent as any other citizens in America. (applause) “We’re going to bring our union into Monroe and we are going to make men out of those hoodlums who say they’ll drive us out and keep us out of the city of Monroe, Michigan.” Applause. 00:19:15 Si. MCU Line of men posing w/ tommy guns; MS of row of men w/ rifles blocking road w/ cable & pretending to aim and fire. 1930s; Labor Unions; Damage; Violence; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.