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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250100-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 06:40:38
TC Ends: 06:41:49
Duration: 00:01:11
1939 - USA Commercial Aviation: World’s Largest Transport Plane Ready For Service. Jan39 06:40:45 MCU Boeing 314 Pan American’s Honolulu Clipper w/ triple tail / center stabilizer overhead. 06:40:48 Int. MS from behind pilot & co-pilot, CUs from low angle (LA). Navigator & radioman; man at charts. MLS overhead of plane & small plane alongside in BG. 06:41:03 POV walking thru cabins, Oriental & Caucasian people at tables eating on china plates, smiling talking. Sitting in upholstered armchairs. MCU woman using sink. 06:41:17 MCU woman lying in bed smiling, steward drops curtain. 06:41:21 Grounds shots of plane overhead. MS landing w/ Oakland bridge in background, taxiing to Treasure Island . Docked w/ people walking off. Trans-Pacific Transportation; Firsts; Promotion; NOTE: The first 314, Honolulu Clipper, entered regular service on San Francisco-Hong Kong route in Jan39. One way took over 6 days to complete.