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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221560-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Milwaukee,minneapolis,Montana,Paul,Seattle,St,Washington,yellowstone national park
TC Begins: 07:36:31
TC Ends: 07:51:16
Duration: 00:14:45
Pt. 1 of 2 Streamliner shots past, runby. 07:37:02 Main title: The Milwaukee Road present - The Hiawathas’ Are Rolling 07:37:13 Streamliner along river or lake edge; pulls to stop by camera. 07:37:40 Large railroad yard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin w/ large roundhouse & steam rising. Activity w/ forklift, warehouses, welding, lathes during construction of cars. Finished car out of warehouse. 07:38:56 Streamliner leaving Chicago w/ skyscrapers behind. Map of route to Minneapolis. 07:39:21 Crossing Wisconsin river; excursion boat seen. Indian in headdress & woman in buckskin on rock w/ lake behind. Dog leaps to standing rock. Small excursion boat past rock outcroppings. LS OF LAKE. 07:40:39 Cows grazing in pasture; train along Mississippi; other shots of streamliners along river w/ highway alongside tracks. 07:41:43 Train into St. Paul, crossing Mississippi to Minneapolis. 07:42:08 Map w/ another route to recreational north. 07:42:25 Train crossing river, tourists bundled up & fishing from canoe; man holds up walleyed pike. Trains along river. Two women in bathing suits join a young couple in outboard boat; wave to camera. Sitting on top of diving tower in lake, man dives, swms. Sailing boats. Two men w/ large dip net pull in fish. 07:44:12 Map showing route across Iowa to South Dakota. Streamliner across farmland; MCU harvesting corn w/ cornpicker. Dairy farm. 07:45:07 Steam engine pulling freight train towards camera, runby. Passenger train seen from beyond corn field. 07:45:54 Map showing 1947 route to Seattle via Montana. Runby of passenger train Hiawatha. Thru canyon seen from above. 07:46:50 Boarding Yellowstone Park buses for trip around scenics - geysers, canyon, pack train & tourists; cowboys & cattle herding. 07:48:01 POV from train across ranching country; from rear of train along river in canyon. View from canyon top of train snaking through forest, switchbacks. 07:49:00 Mountain lake scenics w/ cabin, outboard boat on water. POV from boat. Swimmers, dog into water. 07:49:22 POV train up thru Cascade Mountains,runby. 07:49:49 Seattle from tall building. View from water w/ ferry & skyline. People boarding excursion boat into locks of Lake Union; Tug pulling log raft. Mt. Rainier w/ tourists on horseback riding up trail. Views. 07:51:16 Continued... Promotional Film; Tourism; 1940s; 1950s; Color; Transportation; Transcontinental Railroads; NOTE: Music rights must be cleared if used.