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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221798-07-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: USA
Location: ALASKA,Anchorage,Inland Passage,Seward
TC Begins: 11:04:06
TC Ends: 11:21:54
Duration: 00:17:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940s / 1950s - Color, Home Movies: Alaska Scenes w/ Seward, Anchorage, Fairbanks Card 1 of 2 MCU tilt up totem pole in front of building. 11:04:20 Evening. LS up wet paved street w/ parked cars & some neon lights on buildings of large town at base of mountains. People crossing street. 11:04:33 MS wild flowers in front of wooden houses, tilt up to mountain peak behind. View from ship of Inland Passage w/ clouds low & mountains below w/ peaks above. Scenics. 11:05:26 Seward, Alaska w/ freighter docked; approaching past docks & large fuel storage tanks. Lumber on railroad cars on pier, men & others walking, passenger cars & tanker cars on shore w/ town behind. Docking w/ people waiting by warehouse. Men w/ dufflebags walking from ship. 11:06:28 View up street w/ trucks, cars; small park w/ fountain. LS of people leaving pier w/ ship behind warehouse. Storefronts & cars parked. Wild flowers & mountainside w/ snow patches. Street, boys in wagon. Boys play w/ dump truck in dirt; others w/ dogs. 11:07:32 CU sign on railroad station: Seward. Cars on gravel road past people walking on plank sidewalk. 11:07:38 LS town street w/ cars & girls on bicycles. Flowers in bloom, pansies & tulips, lilacs. Piggly Wiggly grocery sign. Gladiolas. 11:08:09 Anchorage, Alaska. Pan from U.S. Federal Building & Courthouse to street w/ traffic, pedestrians. CU Tilt down art deco sign: Avenue, on Fourth Avenue theater. Theater from across street, pan to traffic, people on sidewalk under marquee. PIcket w/ signs: Unfair to Organized Labor outside ??. Men gathered on sidewalk outside ??. 11:08:56 Railroad from across tidal flats, dark steam train past. Wooden suspension bridge across river w/ seagulls lining cables. High angle across ponds or oxbow, river & to mountain. Views of snowcapped peaks. Sunset w/ alpenglow on mountains; Mt. McKinley (?). Daytime LSs. Pan other peaks to McKinley; tourist looking w/ binoculars. Other mountains from various distances, some w/ snowfields on lower slopes. 11:14:15 MS & CU of quail (?) w/ chicks in grass. 11:14:39 Large fox along gravel road & in field. View of Mt. McKinley. Stream & wide gravel . Main w/ tripod on gravel w/ snow patches. 11:16:14 Tarpaper covered small cabins w/ chimneys for work crew; man w/ large duffle & long snowshoes behind against cabin; 2 men & boy laying on grassy slope in front of cabins looking thru telescope on spread-out tripod. 11:16:30 MS Rock Chuck or ground squirrel (?) standing, running. Men w/ tripod walking. Man hand feeding small ground squirrel (?). Man & woman walk past cabins. MCU unidentified man, cabins & mountain behind. 11:16:58 LS mountains, gravel road & forest; view of valley from pass. LS trestle across stream. 11:17:41 Continued... Vacations; Travel; Tourists; Recreation; 1940s (?); Retirement; Transportation; NOTE: Avenue Theater was completed in 1947. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: