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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221798-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: Canada,USA
Location: ALASKA,Skagway,Yukon River
TC Begins: 10:53:20
TC Ends: 11:03:59
Duration: 00:10:39
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940s / 1950s - Color, Home Movies: Yukon River Sternwheeler; Skagway, Alaska Barge w/ fuel drums tied at riverbank; steam out of ship’s stack. POV of passing eroded riverbank w/ forest trees, destroyed house, log cabins & other houses in MCU. 10:53:59 CU paddle wheel on sternwheeler Casca of Victoria turning (brief). CU log cabin w/ moose antlers. 10:54:12 CU Hudson’s Bay Company sign on wooden building. Log cabin w/ sod roof. Sled dogs tied up in shade barking. Antlers. Casca w/ men unloading fuel barrels from barge. 10:54:51 LS on river w/ CU of currents, cliffs; sunset (?). Small boat. Islands. 10:56:15 Riverbank village (dark) at sunset. Docked riverboat & men working moving fuel drums. River views. Rolling drums onto barge loaded w/ lumber. Sternwheeler Whitehorse pushing barge & tied up to riverbank seen from Casca moving on river. 10:57:34 Stacks of firewood / short logs on riverbank. Rainbow shots. MCU turning paddle wheel. Tourists on deck looking at rainbow. Rainbow shots. Riverbank of small rock islands from Casca in rose sunset light. Very dark of men w/ poles near rapids. (May be Miles Canyon & Whitehorse Rapids) 10:59:37 Normal light of rocks in river & passing close by w/ paddlewheel making wake. Smooth water & clouds above. Large rocky cliffs. 11:00:44 Small scattered log cabins on riverbank. Casca stopped at riverbank. Sunset. 11:01:16 Daytime & passing island, sandstone or dirt cliffs & narrow river. 11:01:43 MS North American or Canadian First Nation Indian sitting / standing posing on riverbank; view to riverboat & tourists lining rail looking. Indian family in willows (?). CU man in cap by house. First Nation Indian woman & daughters by Sternwheeler wood camp woodpile. View from Casca leaving past settlement. View down river at sunset (?). 11:02:55 Military post (?) w/ barracks & soldiers walking past. LS up wide dirt street w/ church steeple. Quonset huts. 11:03:05 High Angle / HA from road along hilltop over Skagway, Alaska (?). MS airport building under construction. Pan over town in wide river valley. Town buildings; tourists on railway station platform. Passenger train cars. 11:03:54 Docked sternwheeler. Vacations; Travel; Tourists; Recreation; 1940s (?); Retirement; Transportation; NOTE: Casca (3rd w/ that name) traveled on Yukon from 1916 until taken out of service in 1952. Whitehorse taken out of service in 1955. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: