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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221280-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947,1940s
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Buffalo,great lakes,Mackinaw Island,Michigan,New York,Niagara Falls,Ohio,Toledo
TC Begins: 11:36:49
TC Ends: 11:47:02
Duration: 00:10:13
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1947 ca - Color, USA: Great Lakes: Highway of Commerce Pt. 1 of 2 Kodachrome color Globe & map showing location of Great Lakes & naming of lakes. (tacky) St. Lawrence & French settling shown on map w/ Fort Niagara. Sots of forts. Flags of Canada & US on poles. Map of Erie Canal. Steam boat in long shot. Ice-covered lakes, ice floes. people swimming and on beach. Sailing yachts & summer resorts w/ excursion steamers. Mackinaw Island. 11:39:52 Niagara Falls & tourists. LS, CU from Canada & US sides. Lakes & forests. Broken pilings where timber was loaded before overcutting. Lake w/ logs today for paper mills. Men poling logs into flume to pulp mill. Ore ship w/ loaded deck of pulpwood & unloaded w/ crane & claw; man signaling crane operator. Interior shops of pulp mill & rolls of paper coming off, stacked. 11:41:49 Street scene w/ newspaper boy on bicycle delivering & throwing newspaper. CU of folded newspaper. 11:41:57 Specialized Great Lakes ships: tankers, ore carriers, regular ships. Ore or bulk carrier described w/ MCU of hatches as they pass. Grain harvesting, trucking & railroad to elevators & loading of ships. Lake carrier beside & loaded w/ auger. Inspecting quality. Map showing Sault Saint Marie; rapids & five canal locks. Carrier thru locks w/ operator closing gates. People watching ships pass thru. 11:44:40 Buffalo, NY & unloading elevators loaded from ships by conveyor & buckets. Scoops cleaning out bottom of ship controlled by hand ropes w/ men in hold (GOOD). 11:45:31 Railroad beside elevators of American Grain. Maps of route of grain shipping. 11:46:01 CU coal. Trains moving coal & loaded coal cars dumped into chute & down into lake carrier. Toledo, Ohio. Continued... Industry; Transportation - Shipping; Railroads; Geography; Educational Film; 1940s; NOTE: Any one continuous minute at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: