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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221459-21
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 05:33:39
TC Ends: 05:35:34
Duration: 00:01:55
1949 - USA Infrastructure: Science And Industry w. Unid. suspension bridge engineer; unid. Congressman on national highways). ca Oct49 05:33:44 Man w/ slide ruler at drafting board. View over shoulder, drawing labeled Liberty ?? Man points to section of suspension cable w/ parallel strands of wire; new cable w/ twisted strands & cut cable w/ number of wires shown. Looking at early drawing of suspension bridge. 05:34:17 View of Lower Manhattan skyline from water. Pan to ships anchored in harbor. Swish pan... 05:34:45 (?) writing at desk w/ ornate inkwell holder. 05:34:51 Speaks to camera (SOF): “This bill provides for a system of transcontinental highways criss-crossing the United States from east to west & north to south. It will promote the national defense & provide for public safety, make for ease of getting about throughout the country. We feel we haven’t had any modernization of our highways in the past ten or fifteen years and it is high time that we keep up w/ other methods of transportation, at least keep in step, with our highways of the sky & our highways on the seas. 1949; Interstate Highway System; Engineering;;