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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220352-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1960s
Country: USA
Location: Mississippi River,Missouri River,Montana Canyon,Seattle,Winona, Minnesota,yellowstone national park
TC Begins: 03:52:14
TC Ends: 04:03:15
Duration: 00:11:01
Hiawatha Super Domes Milwaukee Road passenger train carriages w/ domed glass roof. John Kiley, President of the railroad & Charles Bryan ?, President Pullman inspect first completed car. Look at diesel electric generators for air conditioning system. Christening ceremony of first Super Dome - Miss Jane Kiley christens w/ bottle of water from Lake Michigan & Puget Sound symbolizing the territory to be served. Domeliner cars pull out. Interiors w/ passengers looking out windows. Shots of passenger trains w/ super-domeliner cars. Interior of superdome - passengers looking at scenic shots - crossing Mississippi; top shot train passing mountains south of Winona, Minnesota. Cafe Lounge in superdome car. Top shot train through Montana Canyon. Scenic countryside shots from carriage. Crossing Missouri River. Three Forks Station for Gallatin Gateway to Yellowstone National Park. Passengers off train, into yellow buses bound for Yellowstone. Fishing, boating, waterskiing. Olympian Hiawatha continues Westward - Rockies in background - Spokane - lakes. Top shot train pulling into station at Seattle. Transportation; Railroads; Promotional Film; 1950s; 1960s; Streamline Design;