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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221043-07
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: Pennsylvania
TC Begins: 18:26:15
TC Ends: 18:31:03
Duration: 00:04:48
1950s - Railroads, USA: Texas Type Locomotives Titles. 18:26:27 B/W (?) Cars in parking lot below hillside; LS steam locomotives R-L pull freight cars & coal cars past w/ pusher engine. Another passes L-R on closer track of rural railroad. 18:27:30 B/W (?) Two steam locomotives pushing flatbed, freight & passenger cars R-L along top of wooded ridge, RR tunnel below. 18:28:10 Color shots of Pennsylvania locomotives moving past camera R-L downhill w/ scrap iron. 18:28:49 L-R pulling open & closed freight cars inc. scrap metal & passenger cars. 18:29:16 B/W ((?) R-L Pulling coal cars up grade. 18:30:03 B/W (?) R-L Steam & Diesel pulling baggage & passenger cars up grade. GOOD picture & natural sound. Railways; Railroads; Trains; Runbys; Transportation; NOTE: 2-10-4 locomotives referred to as Texas Type.