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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221681-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:55:26
TC Ends: 21:04:03
Duration: 00:08:37
1950s Railroad Streamliner & Erie Railroad Steam Passenger Train Streamliner & steam railroad train towards camera on ground between tracks, slow runby. Second take w/ camera between track of steam train & runover. 20:56:16 Steam train, slow runby & pan w/ wheels. Steam train spinning wheels; then slowly starting up. 20:56:57 View of steam train passing under camera on overpass, man sitting in chair on flatcar waving top-hat. Streamliner beneath pulling line of caboose cars. Repeat several times. 20:58:08 Traveling shots alongside both steam & streamliner at various speeds. People in costume on old Erie Railroad steam train & passenger cars. More traveling shots w/ streamliner passing steam train. 21:00:01 View from inside old passenger car w/ costumed passengers, conductor takes tickets. 21:01:08 Engineer oiling steam engine wheels as streamliner engineer comes down & watches. CU bell ringing on train. Steam whistle. Gag shot of many on flat car. POV passing costumed people beside tracks. 21:03:15 Shot from in engine of conductor silhouetted starting train. Fireman shoveling coal (all while engine is sitting still). Train slowly moving from top of coal car looking forward. Oddities; Gags; Transportation; 1950s Promotion;