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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221777-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1951
Country: Greenland,USA
Location: Thule
TC Begins: 06:11:51
TC Ends: 06:22:10
Duration: 00:10:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951 - Cold War, Greenland: SAC Base Construction High Angle / HA loaded Army DUKWs loading onto ships & parked tightly on deck. 06:12:06 Soldiers of Signal Corps & Transportation Corps boarding ship; civilian workmen; sailors releasing hawser lines of large ship & LS leaving dock; MS w/ tugs moving into harbor; wake thru ice fields in convoy. Icebergs & pack ice. Aerials. Ships seen from other ships moving thru pack ice. Onboard Coast Guard Icebreaker w/ bow breaking ice; helicopter lifting off & over ice. 06:14:22 09Jul51 arrival in bay & anchored. 06:14:43 Interior of Command Headquarters aboard USS Monrovia (APA-31); Blacks unloading ships, small crates in cargo nets; large crates; floating crane; DUKWS w/ fuel drums alongside ice bergs, onto beach CUs. Stockpile on beach w/ Beachmaster & signal semaphore flags directing Navy Landing Craft & unloading. Aerial over supplies on beach. 06:16:34 Workmen off quarters on personnel carriers onto ferry to shore. Graders, power shovels, dump trucks working. Large explosion to open quarry, steam shovels working loading large trucks & hauling for fill. Moving w/ graders & packing. Rock crushers spreading & asphalt sprayed and covered w/ fine gravel & rolled. 06:18:40 Four-engine airplane w/ engines shutting down; Four-Star General Hoyt Vandenberg off w/ Three-Star General Lewis Pick & talking w/ Corps of Engineers officials. 06:19:11 Laying pad for fuel storage tanks & sprayed w/ oil, laying steel plate floor & putting up steel sides. CUs placing & welding steel plates. Laying pipeline & welding & suspended before underwater to tanker offshore. 06:20:45 Construction machines moving gravel & soil for pad beneath building construction. Piles set for airplane hangers & filled w/ dirt. Culvert pipe across pad to carry off heat from hanger floor to maintain permafrost foundation, concrete poured, foam fiberglass laid & concrete over with finished surface curing under tarpaulins. Cold War Era; Arctic Construction; 1950s; Defense Planning; Strategic Air Command Base; SAC; Government Military Propaganda; NOTE: Thule AB constructed in secret beginning 1951, announced in 1952 & completed in 1953. NOTE: Partial or entire sold as single reel. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: