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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221702-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
Location: Kansas City,Missouri
TC Begins: 13:15:06
TC Ends: 13:25:49
Duration: 00:10:43
Titles. 13:15:32 Pan down from railroad crossing sign to passing freight train as boy in car counts number of freight cars. 13:15:53 LS Kansas City freight yard; MS conductor & brake man arrive for work - check list of freight cars for Chicago route. CU of list. 13:16:23 CU freight car number of arriving freight train as its split up into cars & separated onto various tracks depending on destination. 13:16:51 Man in control tower. Cars pushed up hump, rolling down to siding. MCU man pulling pin & cars separating. POV from inspection pit; paint on wheel for repair. LS of yard; switcher moving switch. CU of tracks moving. 13:18:30 Freight cars thru switches; CU past. Fruit express car; steel pipe on flat-car. Views of rolling cars. 13:19:41 Brakeman couples cars as per conductor’s list. 13:20:01 Refrigerated cars filled w/ crushed ice by conveyor machinery. 13:20:40 Crew check pocket watch, CU, then board train - inspection. Santa Fe diesel engine attached & pulls away pulling one mile of freight cars - conductor jumps on back - speed increased. Engineer in cab. POV leaving yard. CU speedometer; lights changing. POV under bridge. 13:22:52 INT conductor sits down to do paperwork in caboose. Various views along track. Rear brakeman calls engineer - train passes maintenance crew on track. Views of countryside passing - rural stations - slows down for bridge over river. Signal across roadway. 13:24:57 Train arrives at first stop - waits for passenger train to leave ; engineer calls rear brakeman - over level crossing past boy counting cars - away towards Chicago. The End Transportation; 1950s Railways; Railroad Locomotives; Goods Trains; Rural Americana; 1954; Streamliner; Fast Freight; Educational Films; VERY GOOD COLOR & coverage. NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.