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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221426-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 02:07:34
TC Ends: 02:27:15
Duration: 00:19:41
1968 - San Francisco - Cable Car Street Scenes & Haight Ashbury Hippies Card two of two Continued... 05Apr68 San Francisco street scenes w/ Powell & Hyde cable car, automobile traffic. Residential neighborhood w/ trolley descending hill from above. Van Ness Ave. on rear of cable car going up hill & one coming down w/ passengers off. MCU of passing cable cars, passengers feet - many barefoot. Traffic 02:10:28 Powell & Market sign on side; CU of driver & top shot in telephoto of traffic up & down hill. 02:12:07 Telephoto shot of hills w/ trees & wild grass. 02:12:19 More traffic, able cars & street scenes, some looking down towards waterfront & to land across bay. 02:14:23 CU Haight street scene; 1600. One way. Young people on street, policeman, crowd standing along curb & sitting. 02:15:09 CU Sign, marquee Cinematheque Coffee House SF Premiere Andy Warhol’s I A Man. (sic) 02:15:13 People on street as above, beards, long hair; older couples walk past. Blacks & hippies; Camera follows one walking thru. MCU of feet. 02:16:13 Painted sign: Haight Ashbury Store from across street. Other stores & traffic, VW bus, parked motorcycle. Young people talking. Guy selling underground newspaper. People in front of Bargain Market. 02:17:42 Hippies calling to camera; sitting on sidewalk. Store from across intersection. Older couple w/ 16mm home movie camera. Bearded older man wearing Haight Ashbury sign on chain. Blacks & others in front of Unique Men’s Shop. 02:18:40 Row of wooden San Francisco houses w/ bay windows, shops on ground floor. CU street corner sign: Haight, Ashbury. Pan to young black men standing. Sailor taking apple from young girl. Others hanging out on corner. Well dressed people walking; guy in flowered shirt, other long haired talking on corner, one man walking & combing hair; paisley dresses. Camera follows long haired fellow. Couple standing; another couple walking. People looking at people. 02:22:17 MCU of feet crossing street & various types of shoes. Poster in window War Is Not Healthy For Children And Other Living Things. 02:22:42 More of all the people walking. CU of man in sailor hat w/ Haight Ashbury sign around neck reciting poetry (?); couple of guys listen & laugh. Girl comes up & hugs him. MS Young fellow in poncho talking after other man, Bo Maverick, leaves w/ girl. Then they return & stand in MCU w/ people walking behind. Dropping Out; Hanging Out; Youth; Quest; 1960s; 1968; Americana; Daily Life; Transportation; Steep Hills; Urban; City Center; Counter Culture; Clothing Fashions; NOTE: Sell any continuous 10 minutes at per reel rate. (card one is drug experiment related)