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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221763-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s,1977
Country: USA
TC Begins: 08:00:02
TC Ends: 08:18:18
Duration: 00:18:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1977 - Color, USA Airliners: Commercial Aircraft Takeoffs & Landings - Daytime Western Airlines Boeing 727 jet airliner taxiing to gate, MCU pan length. Service truck arrives. 08:00:53 Low angle / LA Alaska 727 taxiing & takeoff. Continental take off. 08:02:30 Private twin-engine prop plane landing. Commercial Boeing 747 airliner approach overhead for landing, taxiing. 08:03:38 Boeing 727 landing overhead, no markings. Large commercial jet landing, no markings. 727 landing, no markings. Larger airplane landing w/ lights on. 08:05:53 Airliner overhead in fog. Various landings overhead thru fog, l. to r. & r. to l. GOOD. 08:08:31 No good footage. 08:09:10 MLS w/ United airliner Boeing 727s w/ 3 rear engines landing l. to r. and taxiing. Evergreen forested hills behind. 08:10:34 MS Boeing 727 Alaska airliner N324AS landing. Hughes Airwest taxiing; United taxiing; Braniff International 727 landing; United 727 taking off. 08:14:11 Western Airlines DC-10 pushed on tarmac. United N7085U 727 landing. Hughes Airwest taking off. 08:15:27 United tail w/ Northwest Orient Boeing 727 taxiing & taking off. 08:16:56 United 727 taking off. LS over terminal roof of landing Western airlines 727 plane Transportation Air Pollution; 1970s; Airport; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: