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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250104-11
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 2005
Country: Iraq,USA
Location: Tikrit
TC Begins: 14:57:56
TC Ends: 15:05:03
Duration: 00:07:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 2005 - Color, Iraq War: National Guard 2113 Transportation Co. Title: 17Nov05 By Spc William Jones. Interview Brian Bowen, Paducah, KY Army National Guard. 14:57:59 NOTE: squeezed aspect ratio for first two minutes. Paducah, KY emblem; MLS guard w/ leader talking. CU Bowen talking to camera. Marines bowing heads for prayer, VO of prayer over soldier at 50 cal turret gun, amen’s said. Driver into vehicle & trucks pull out; POV along paved highway, on-coming civilian traffic forced to drive on shoulder. POV passing sheep & passing convoy of military vehicles. CUs Iraqi children waving. Sunset. 14:59:43 Title, same except interview w/ Rachael Hutchens, Mayfield, KY. NOTE Correct ratio. 14:59:48 Column of vehicles from Paducah 2113 Transportation Company accompanying trucks on highways. View of traffic; CU of interviewees; soldiers in vehicles. 15:00:48 Title: B-Roll 7th Trans Battalion LSA Adder, Iraq. 15:00:51 Graded dirt w/ LS of vehicles, MS troops around Armored Humvees / vehicles talking, preparing to go out, bags of ice distributed. Soldier w/ jerry can filling ??. Water jugs carried. Gunner on top preparing gun. Group in circle talking; other activity while waiting, getting instructions, start vehicles. Humvees leaving thru mud Military Propaganda; NOTE: First 2 minutes has squeezed aspect ratio in source tape. NOTE: sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: