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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220382-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:48:04
TC Ends: 12:03:10
Duration: 00:15:06
Big Trains Rolling R2 of 2 Train pulling into station, steps put down, luggage loaded into baggage car; mail bags loaded & passengers board. Children seated by Black porter. Conductor signals, train pulls out past parked cars & people on platform; thru countryside, POVs from alongside, children look out window & tracking shots of farms & landscapes. Conductor inspects tickets. Mail sorted in postal car. 11:50:53 Dining car, children seated & order meal from children’s menu. Kitchen & chefs prepare food, cut meat. Runby; lounge car & people talking; man into sleeping roomette. Other compartments shown. Kids climb into upper & lower berths. CU wheels on tracks. 11:53:53 Freight trains travel thru countryside w/ tank cars & freight cars. Montage of goods shown. Grain harvest & storage silo / grain elevator. Flour sacks off freight cars, bread on shelf. Cattle rounded up, into pen & loaded onto trains - meat on shelves & roast onto table. Fruit harvested & loaded; ice loaded into refrigerator or reefer cars. Rail car w/ short lengths of logs for papermill; iron ore & blast furnaces. Scrap iron loaded w/ electromagnet. Trains. 11:56:28 Coal on freight train across river bridge; delivered by truck to building. Country school house. Coal trains, logging trains, construction & housing. 11:57:21 Cotton picking, textile mills & looms. Oil tank cars. Docks - loading & unloading ships. Train runbys. 11:58:43 School grounds & kids playing baseball; American football played in stadium. 11:59:13 Train w/ children arrive at destination met by Aunt & Uncle on platform. Passenger train out of station (out of focus). Steam train shots. 12:00:08 NYC Wall Street area & pedestrians (GOOD). 12;00:15 Montage: ranch corral, beach, fishing, Old Faithful geyser, tobogganing, sailing. Various different RR steam trains. 12:01:30 Students & schoolchildren, suburbia, university, churches. Mount Rushmore. Raising American flag, Statue of Liberty, woman in supermarket, family at dinner; college campus - American youth. Flag flying in CU. Transportation; Traveling; Tourism; Vacations; 1940s Americana; Patriotism; Patriotic; Propaganda;