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Dead End Pt. 2

Reel Number: 220961-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1961

Country: USA

Location: Pennsylvania,Philadelphia

TC Begins: 18:10:15

TC Ends: 18:19:59

Duration: 00:09:44

Dead End (1961) Continued... Aerials of freeways, people walking wearing masks as protection from smog. 18:10:48 Traffic in the Philadelphia area during rush hour w/ large finned cars carrying only the driver. Gag of limousine and size. 18:12:1? Space for cars blocked out on sidewalk with single person standing in each, then walking and pedestrians. Tramp walking visible in much. 18:13:50 Tramp into taxi cab. No money. 18:14:2? Buses out of garage and loading. Diagram of car and & bus w/ space used by people. 18:15:1? Good shot of only partially filled freeway, then with buses handling all the people. CU of man arguing with reporter about taking away rights of driver. 18:17:30 Family of four into cab. CU of meter; stuck in traffic. People boarding bus, many past camera. Thru toll plaza. People getting off. 18:19:0? Expanding map of Philadelphia. Bus line up. Continued...

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