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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221633-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois,Montreal,Quebec
TC Begins: 05:12:03
TC Ends: 05:22:29
Duration: 00:10:26
The Great Lakes - Their Link W/ Ocean Shipping Encyclopaedia Britannica Flms presents Produced & Photographed by Clifford J. Kamen 05:12:20 Turning globe, graphic of Great Lakes on North American continent w/ names of lakes appearing. Connection to St. Lawrence. 05:12:54 Ore carriers; pan over Chicago. 05:13:21 Graphics of lakes to ocean w/ Niagara Falls. Lake Erie, falls & rapids. Canal bypass. 1932 replacement, Welland Ship Canal w/ ore carriers. Placement of canal on Canada side w/ seven locks. Locks filling, ships moving, gates closing & opening. Water filling by gravity. Time lapse of ships & locks. 05:16:52 St. Lawrence River & islands w/ swift currents; ship fighting current. Canal & locks bypassing rapids; hand cranking. 05:18:54 Illustration of ships & locks of smaller canal. 05:19:57 LaChine Rapids near Montreal blocking access upriver. Montreal harbor; transferring cargo from railroad to ship for export: wheat, paper, automobile tires, copper loaded, steel. Imports unloaded. Views of river traffic on St. Lawrence. 05:21:44 Scenic of Niagara Falls (very brief). Summation w/ illustrations of Great Lakes. Ship under bridge. The End Geography; Shipping; Transportation; Educational Films; 1930s;