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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220388-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1932
Country: USA
Location: Studio
TC Begins: 20:21:10
TC Ends: 20:28:43
Duration: 00:07:33
The Hurricane Express - Chapter One: The Wrecker Pt. 3 of 3 Loading gold crates on railroad car, w/ guard w/ rifle. Guard boards engine. Gloria watching sees her father climb on board & she jumps on as train pulls out. Night & train past camera as it leaves. Interior w/ passengers & porter making up berth. Gloria out of compartment. 20:22:42 Train runby; station & man out of convertible. John Wayne into station & finds man tied up; he says stop Hurricane Express or it will be wrecked. Two guys come in w/ pistols drawn: “Don’t move!” They try to tie Wayne up but he slugs one & dives out window. (GOOD). High speed car chase after Wayne as he is chasing train. 20:24:19 Conductor taking tickets; one man is fired engineer. Runbys. Car chase. Conductor mugged & uniform taken by Gloria’s father. Baggage car & detective goes in. 20:25:48 Wayne driving fast, men firing from chasing car. Baggage car, CU hand picking up keys. View from top of coal car as Gloria’s father drops into engine & shoots two men. 20:26:54 Wayne drives car onto railroad tracks, along ties w/ men following, then jumps on board (stunt). Fights. Conductor calls for help. Wayne fighting w/ man in engine, gets knocked out, man runs back on top of cars, takes off mask, biplane comes & drops rope ladder & he grabs. Runby of steam train. Engine runover & crash into standing freight car. 20:28:39 Title: Next Week Chapter Two Flying Pirates A Mascot Serial. Melodrama; Transportation; Mystery; Freight Business Competition; John Wayne; Stunts; Saturday Afternoon Matinee; 1932;