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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220376-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
Location: Georgia
TC Begins: 02:35:50
TC Ends: 02:43:45
Duration: 00:07:55
Invader, The R2 of 3 Georgia Department of Public Health Dir. George Stoney Drawing, etchings of Renaissance & syphilis. Paintings, cartoons. Patent medicines. Newspaper advertising for cures. 19th century daily life in etchings etc. Photograph of Austrian doctor who studied many patients said it couldn’t be cured. Photos showing evolution of microscopes from early to later. 02:41:35 Microscopic view of syphillis microbe. 20th century doctors & blood tests for syphillis. 02:42:32 Paul Ehrlich in photograph alone & w/ lab assistants. Testing arsenic. Books from around world telling of cure found by Ehrlich. Sexually Transmitted Disease; Art; Venereal Disease; V.D.