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Japan: A Living Travel Book R4 of 5

Reel Number: 221678-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1939

Country: Japan


TC Begins: 15:06:45

TC Ends: 15:17:17

Duration: 00:10:32

ca 1939 Japan Daily Life World map w/ animation of routes & distances to Yokohama, Japan. MCU of Japanese islands & location to USSR, Manchukuo, Korea & China. Transportation land routes; MCU of Tokyo & Yokohama location on bay. 15:07:51 Montage: Japanese navy sailors on shipboard, raising flags & polishing large gun barrels on battleship; fleet at sea & firing guns, in rough seas. 15:08:25 Map of route to Hokkaido & Karafuto, USSR. Women poling canoe; Ainu w/ long bear & holding bear w/ poles. POV past coast. Clearing stumps w/ bulldozers. Others hand clearing; posing w/ family. 15:09:28 Family milking reindeer into tin cup; sewing; rocking baby in camp. Man riding reindeer in snow. 15:09:46 POV past ice floe w/ seal. View of seal colony on sandy beach from rocky hill; CU seals (?) in water. Men herding seals in log pen on beach. Rookery of birds on cliff; nesting on beach w/ eggs. Penguin-like birds. CU hand holding chick. Baby seals & small birds; swimming birds on waves. Seals & pups running to water. Waking small sleeping seals, running into water. 15:11:26 Sunset or sunrise w/ pointed volcano priest seen from ship. MCU. Men pulling in fish nets. Fishing boats w/ filled nets dumping, sorting. Whales spouting & harpooner firing, men pull on lines. 15:12:31 Map w/ route animated from Kamchatka to Karafuto, USSR & on to Manchukuo & down to Chosen. 15:12:42 High angle of Great Wall of China. Pagoda tower; winter w/ camels pulling sleds. Men tending sheep. 15:13:04 Large river excursion boat. Man shoveling grain on pile; stack of bagged greain; field w/ stacks of bags. 15:13:16 Horse drawn carriages out of large gated wall; POV from train window, farm fields. Smoke out of farm hut; man sitting smoking long pipe while looking over wide river valley. 15:13:42 Montage: men playing gomoku; women & children washing clothes on river bank. Couples walking at night beneath flowering tree branches, CU w/ petals falling. 15:14:13 Montage: map of ocean route from Chosen to Taiwan. Picking pineapples (?). CU of large round fruit on small trees. Men gathering salt. City narrow street w/ many people; village w/ people carrying baskets on poles. Pan mountain range w/ snow. Women in ceremonial dresses; women in canoe pose. POV past fishing barge w/ huts & large nets. 15:15:12 Montage: Animation of route Taiwan to Saipan w/ title: Japanese Mandate. View of island & bay, beach scene. Village w/ bare-breasted woman & child; man w/ boy. Waves breaking on shallow shore. MCU of coral in pool. Rubber tree tapped., CU dripping into glass. Men filling small railroad cars w/ sand or ??. Men catching sea crocodile; men dancing w/ ceremonial sticks; women in grass skirts dancing; young men & boys racing in large outrigger canoes. 15:16:46 Animated map of Saipan to Yokohama. Aerial of navy fleet underway. View of aircraft carrier (no superstructure) w/ plane taking off. Bow of ship thru heavy seas. Lyrical Travelogue Film; 1930s; Tourism; Militarism; Pre-WW2; Pre-WWII; Asia; Japanese Militarism; Games; Go-moku;

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