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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221524-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: Africa,Liberia
Location: Liberia,West Africa
TC Begins: 19:27:19
TC Ends: 19:53:45
Duration: 00:26:26
Liberia - Africa’s Only Republic Pt. 1 of ? Firestone Presents, Produced by Lewis Sound Films. Credits. 19:28:03 Map of Africa & Liberia. Shoreline, beach, sunset silhouetted trees. Pan over valley surrounded by trees of rubber plantation. Rainbow; raining, waterfalls & rapids on river. 19:30:52 Rubber trees, oil palms, banana trees, coconut palms, Cassava trees. CU flowers. Village of thatched huts from above on hillside. Agriculture. Natives walk thru trees, over bridge w/ load on heads. 19:32:45 Village on river, men carrying tall pack boards w/ goods bound to them, past tall thatched roofs. Pan over huts, people around. Goats or sheep. Cassava planting & farming. Native women in dresses winnow rice, watched by children. Pounding, cooking over outdoor fire. Man guarding rice from birds. 19:34:41 African oil palm, gathering palm nuts from tree tops w/ machete. Men in fishing boats; women seining for fish in pools w/ nets. Collecting water from stream. 19:35:42 Man weaving outdoors at loom while singing chant; others make thatch for huts. Man making pottery at wheel turned by another man. Blacksmith w/ bellows. 19:36:58 Building native house, raising center pole & surrounding ones for mud over lathe for hut. Men cut poles after binding in place w/ vines. Thatch placed onto roof, then clipped & cap placed on top. People moving in. 19:40:10 Chiefs & elders of tribe in town meeting - trial of man accused of stealing sheep; argued among village. 19:41:22 Pan American Constellation passenger plane landing at Roberts Field airport. Small radio towers. Car thru trees. Farmington river & hydro electric dam & native fishing with nets beneath spillway. 19:43:19 Modern brick homes; medical dispensary. Native Black surveyor. Booker Washington School - native boys taught manual skills in shop classes. 19:44:21 Rubber tree, latex gathered on rubber plantation; dripping into bucket. Clearing forest for planting of rubber trees. Natives felling huge trees w/ axes. Many groups of natives clear undergrowth & trees. Burning of cleared land & large raging fire. 19:48:58 Planting seeds of rubber trees in nursery. Bud grafting of rubber tree by native w/ white overseer. Young tree. 19:51:35 Surveyor directing marking of cleared land ready for transplantation of new young trees. Natives digging holes, planting roots of trees. Travelogue; Promotional Film; Industrial Film; Kodachrome;