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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221115-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:29:32
TC Ends: 04:45:39
Duration: 00:16:07
Men And Mail In Transit Part 1 of 2 US Post Office Dept. training film. VS locomotives pulling mail carriages past camera w/ livery of railroads inc. Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Rock Island, Chesapeake and Ohio w/ ‘United States Mail Railway Post Office’ . INT postal workers in mail carriage sorting mail. Mail transfer truck en route to post offices - INT clerks sorting mail in back of truck. INT airport mail sorting room - airmail sack pushed on American Airlines trolley; pan across postal workers sorting airmail into many sacks; airmail loaded onto plane w/ conveyor. 04:32:08 Teenager in American football gear down suburban street; stops to talk to neighbor ‘Cappy’ Smith, an RPO postal transportation supervisor; wife onto verandah w/ letter for Cappy informing him he will “break in” a new recruit on his next postal run. INT trainee clerk Phil Davis preparing for first run - stamping name cards, packing case of equipment & using miniature practice sorting box. INT Cappy checking contents of his own case at home - wife ironing work clothes for case - ‘Cappy Smith’ printed on case - wife hands him hat & coat, he kisses her goodbye. 04:35:00 INT large railway station / terminal Philadelphia ? - good shot of glass-roofed hall w/ departure board & clock in distance. CU sign on door ‘Transfer Office - US Mail’ - Cappy into office, meets Phil & explains order book & geography of their trip on wall map - blackboard ‘US Mail Car Assignments’ - Cappy & Phil walk along platform, mechanic crosses track in FG. MS Cappy shows Phil how to climb into cab. INT empty mail carriage - Cappy & Phil change into work clothes & load their revolvers - unpack road kits - set up distributing table & racks - hang sacks & check for stray mail - sacks & boxes labeled. Black porter pulls up outside train w/ truck loaded w/ mail - sacks loaded inside train - box of baby chicks loaded on top. Railroads; Infrastructure; 1950s; NOTE: One continuous minute sold for per reel price.