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Narrow Gauge, The

Reel Number: 220388-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s,1950s

Country: USA

Location: Colorado

TC Begins: 20:48:12

TC Ends: 20:54:13

Duration: 00:06:01

The Narrow Gauge Railroad men including engineer w/ man in top hat & formal topcoat beside large steam locomotive, Rio Grande 476. People walking alongside train sitting in station. 20:49:24 Looking forward from side of excursion railroad car on curve leaving station w/ whistle blowing. Alongside flat farmland, smoke & dust from train. Across steel bridge; many people in field watching it go by as it slows down. 20:51:30 Train sitting across trestle, people on hillside beyond. Train puts out much black smoke starting up w/ two steam engines pulling pasenger cars seen looking forward as train makes corner. 20:53:13 People, nearly all men & boys on open flat car of train. 20:53:32 View ahead w/ engines pulling around curve & open mountain w/ trees. GOOD. The End. Transportation; Historical Railroad; Tourists; Vacation; NOTE: Good train sounds.

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