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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221588-01-P1
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:00:46
TC Ends: 21:11:36
Duration: 00:10:50
Nevada City Pt. 1 of 5 w/ Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes A Republic Production Dir. Joseph Kane Introductory titles 21:01:38 Montage: Four horses pull stage coach chased by gun men; six horses pulling stage coach, tips over; montage of robbers superimposed w/ newspaper headlines. Many coaches, riders, chasing. 21:02:23 Night, ranch w/ sign: Morrison & Liddell Stage Co. Relay Station No 7. Daytime & riders pulling up, riding in & shooting, setting fire to station; ride off chasing horses out. Note nailed to tree & man in black riding off. 21:03:28 Man takes down note written in verse, reads to Roy Rogers (Jeff Conner). “Not bad enough he’s ruining me, he has to be eloquent about it.” Reads another from President of Railroad asking for meeting. Talks about Black Bart behind it all. 21:04:53 Staged San Francisco w/ horse pulled trolley & storefronts. Interior of hotel, Black Bart / Jim Trevor comes into office & talks w/ owner who says they want railroad as well. Drink a toast: “...long may they fight.” 21:06:25 Gabby & orphan kid riding on top of stagecoach driven by Jeff (Roy Rogers). Gabby reads newspaper about Mark Benton’s California Central railroad laying track. “Bet he wears a clean shirt everyday.” Train w/ whistle blowing comes along & passes whistling. Coach tries to beat to the crossing. Stagecoach wins. POV from each. 21:08:47 Locomotive clips off tail of stage coach. Both stop & look at damage. Benton driving train, has a blacksmith forge on board, offers to fix horseshoe. Benton makes argument for cooperation as Liddell’s stage company can haul freight to & from railroad. Working the forge on board train, CU anvil & hammering horseshoe. Continued... Western Expansion; Transportation; B Westerns; Steam Engine; Melodrama; Villain; NOTE: Good action. Unknown music rights; user responsible for any necessary clearances. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.