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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221588-01-P2
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:11:36
TC Ends: 21:19:28
Duration: 00:07:52
Nevada City Pt. 2 of 5 Continued... Uncle Hank waiting looking at pocket watch on western town street scene; 6 horses pulling stage coach w/ Gabby, Rogers & kid. Another stage w/ four horses arrives. Black Bart helps woman (Jo) driver off. “’s that for a girl?” Her uncle, Hank Liddell talks to them. Jo to Jeff Conner (Roy Rogers): “Well I wasn’t missing you none either!” Kid: “Jeff ain’t got no time for gals; not a driver like him.” Jo checks his ears: “I knew if I went away you’d forget to wash ‘em; you run & do it right this minute, & w/ soap!” 21:13:36 Jo talks to Gabby about marrying Jeff. Gabby: “I only had four wives, & two of them were squaws; I’m no expert, but maybe that’s your trouble - you don’t dress up enough.” 21:14:14 Liddell reading depressing statistics of dropping business. Jeff Conner says they are probably wrong about Benton. Lidell: “I wouldn’t trust a railroader an inch; or anyone who speaks up for them.” Liddell & Jeff arguing & Liddell fires Jeff. 21:15:36 Jim Trevor / Black Bart playing piano next door, listening; Jo comes down in new dress, poses for bartender at empty bar. Bart watches her come down. Jeff out, Jo asks if he notices anything, they argue. Jo agrees to go to show w/ Trevor. Jeff says he’s been fired. 21:17:23 Jim Trevor in to Liddell’s office; wants to talk about the problem w/ the Benton railroad. Claims he was burned out by California Central Railroad. Barnyard, Gabby & Jeff saddling up, talk about Jo. Ride off as boy (Chic) watches. Continue... Western Expansion; Transportation; B Westerns; Saloon; Romance; Melodrama; Feminism; Gender Roles; Love; Romance; Villain NOTE: good humorous dialogue. Unknown music rights; user responsible for any necessary clearances. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.