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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221588-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:19:28
TC Ends: 21:28:10
Duration: 00:08:42
Nevada City Pt. 3 of 5 Continued... Railroad station; California Central’s head Benton on locomotive talks to people who say they want their money. Chinese guy says he’ll work for Benton as do most of the others. 21:20:11 Jeff Conner (Roy Rogers) & Gabby looking at train. Benton shows Jeff & Gabby a letter from Black Bart in prose; Conner reads out loud. They talk, say that it can’t be Liddell. 21:21:48 Jeff climbs onto engine; steam causes Gabby to jump & pull pistol. 21:22:23 Stage arrives in town, people off stage, it leaves. Driver tells kid (Chic) that he saw Jeff & Gabby working for RR. Stage leaves. Chic rides out to railroad camp of tents & workers; they talk. Chic says the guy makes up poetry for Jo. 21:24:38 Jim Trevor / Black Bart playing piano for Jo; Jeff & Gabby ride up, Jeff begins to sing to her. She smiles; Trevor glowers. Then Jeff sings the poetry verse written against Mark Benton’s railroad as Trevor plays & eyes him. Trevor asks Jo to dance, gets piano player to play a waltz while they dance; Jeff cuts in on Trevor & Jo. They waltz around the bar room & Trevor cuts in again. Jo: “...doesn’t treat a girl like a child.” They waltz around the bar room & Trevor cuts back in. Jeff & Gabby talk. Gabby: “I’m all for shooting him now & finding out later.” Gabby & Jeff ride off. Continued... Western Expansion; Transportation; B Westerns; Saloon; Surprise; Ballroom Dancing; Dancers; Romance; Melodrama; Villain; NOTE: Unknown music rights; user responsible for any necessary clearances. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.