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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220558-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Montreal, Quebec,Oshawa, Ontario,Toronto
TC Begins: 01:01:19
TC Ends: 01:08:01
Duration: 00:06:42
On the Canadian National & Grand Trunk Western Fred McLeod's Album of Steam Locomotives In Action series 01:01:42 4-8-4 Steam locomotive on eastbound "Maple Leaf” leaving Charlotte, Michigan. (G.T.W.). Pulling passenger cars out r. to l. across grade crossing w/ grain elevator & small town behind. Title: Train No. 8--behind a 4-8-4 type locomotive bound for Montreal from Toronto. Runby r. 01:02:56 Title: No. 6--The Inter-City Limited -- Montreal-bound behind 4-8-4 locomotive. R. to L. 01:03:25 Title: Fast freight w/ several “piggy backs” or circus cars. (towards camera, runby to right. 01:03:46 Title: Montreal-bound No. 6 another day--headed by 4-8--4 locomotive. Passenger runby l. to r. 01:04:11 Title: Westbound No. 5 --”The LaSalle” behind 4-6-4 locomotive between Montreal & Toronto. 01:04:41 Title: Toronto-bound No. 7 powered by a 4-6-4 leaving Oshawa, Ontario. 01:05:35 Title: No. 5 on another day--headed by one of C.N.’s five 4-6-4s. Runby r. to l. 01:05:52 Title: No. 7--w/ a 4-6-4 on the head end--between Montreal & Toronto. Runby r. to l. 01:06:23 Title: Eastbound freight behind 4-8-4 locomotive. R. to l. Another l. to r. 01:07:03 Title: Fast local freight--westbound near Oshawa, Ontario. Toward camera & runby to right. 01:07:41 Title: Grand Trunk -way freight behind 2-8-0 locomotive. l. to r. The End. Passenger trains; Freight Trains;