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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220960-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Canada,Detroit,Kansas City,Louis,Michigan,Missouri,St,Windsor
TC Begins: 16:35:23
TC Ends: 16:49:38
Duration: 00:14:15
Once Upon The Wabash Pt. 1 of 2 Produced by Condor Films, St. Louis, MS. 16:36:09 Country road from bridge; couple riding in convertible & singing seen from in front. Wabash passenger train passes by from left to right w/ domeliner cars. Honking & waving SOF “Ge, I wishe we were on it.”. Couple suddenly on train, dome-liner Bluebird. POV from dome car; observation car w/ Black steward; dining car & murals. Private lounge room; conference room; cocktail lounge. Dining car; Dome Coach. Coffee shop & a club car. 16:39:37 Drawings superimposed over scenes of RR. Farmland from train & shots length of train. View from engineer past autumn colored trees. Engineer & controls, CUs. GOOD POV from eengine. 16:41:03 (horn) grade crossing & into station; passengers waiting as it stops. 16:41:41 Cut in time back to pageant & costumed crowd of first railroad train, The Rogers, 08Nov1838. People riding on it. Map of Wabash RR. Waterfalls. Trains over river & on ferry on Lake Michigan train off. 16:44:28 Trains on ferry from Windsor, Canada to Detroit, Michigan. Runbys. Sleeping berths w/ family into bunks. 16:45:28 Kansas City, St. Louis & Toledo, Detroit, Chicago & Omaha stations; small stations. 16:46:07 Freight trains carrying various things, super imposed. POV across RR bridge. Putting ice into freight cars. Large grain elevators & dumping entire railroad cars. 16:47:20 Rail cars on ferries on river. Past produce warehouses & signs. Moving handtrucks of fruit & vegetables. Ice on conveyor belt. Steel mill. Construction of railroad cars with superimpositions. Transportation; Passengers; Freight; Staged History; Railroads; NOTE: VERY GOOD COLOR.