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Paradise Express Pt. 1 of 4

Reel Number: 221587-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 19:01:05

TC Ends: 19:12:55

Duration: 00:11:50

Paradise Express Pt. 1 of 4 Prod. Nat Levine; Dir. Joseph Kane. W/ Grant Withers, Dorothy Appleby, Arthur Hoyt 19:01:53 Train w/ heavy steam & smoke; engine crew in cab looking at three freight trucks pulling trailers on long highway. Armstrong Trucking Co. truckers waving to engineer to go faster. Armstrong backrupted RR now owned by same Mr. Doyle. Bankruptcy notice. GOOD low-angle runby, wipes to... 19:03:05 Door sign: Moon Valley Short Line - General Offices. POV in & granddaughter, Kay working for owner & deaf grandfather Jed Carson. “Possibly you were planning to run this railroad w/ robots.” Rants on about lawyer w/ no experience now running the railway. 19:04:23 Engineer & fireman come in; asks for favor but their train has been cancelled so both are laid off. 19:06:04 Armstrong Trucking Co. calendar, man at water cooler. “I expect to have control of the railroad in about 30 days.” “That will give us a monopoly on the freight business.” 19:06:32 Hotel desk & man (Lawrence Doyle) checking in. Busy-body woman behind counter non-stop talking. Doyle goes out to see young woman (Carson secretary, Kay) honking his convertible’s horn. Buys two benefit tickets to fund-raiser for unemployed railroad workers. Moves his car so she can leave. POV thru town & country roads as he tries to follow her to the RR depot. GOOD street scenes. 19:09:02 Dispatcher, Phineas Trotter yelled at by Carson, puts cotton in ears. Carson comes out of office yelling louder “are you deaf”; wanting claims, gets racing form. Kay back w/ mail; followed in by Lawrence Doyle. Shouting match between Carson, Kay & Doyle over receivership of railroad. “If you’d used your head...you wouldn’t need me now.” 09:11:27 Carson slams door, breaks glass & leaves w/ Kay. Trotter introduces himself, leaves w/ Doyle for lunch. Continued... Americana; Railroad; Family Business Stereotypes; Lawyer; Economics; Capitalism; Competition; 1930s; 1937; B Movie Feature Film; Comedy; NOTE: Film is public domain but music rights are unknown. User is responsible for clearing any necessary rights. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.

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