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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221587-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 19:33:36
TC Ends: 19:51:33
Duration: 00:17:57
Paradise Express Pt. 4 of 4 Crowd overhearing them in cafe; chatter. People read newspaper: “He killed ‘ol Tom as sure as if he’d shot him!” Man talking to crowd in front of Post Office accusing Doyle of gambling w/ lives. Lynch mob comes up street looking for Doyle. 19:35:46 “I’m not brave, I’m scared stiff.” Sheriff tries to protect Doyle as he confronts the crowd. Carson talks to them & calms them down; then punches trucking guy who steps onto railroad depot platform. 19:38:00 Trucking company office. “So you flopped, eh?” Talk about farmer’s meeting tomorrow. 19:39:18 Night. Doyle investigates call about conditions in freight car; locked inside by trucking company goon. Train leaves, runby w/ him in refrigerator car. Runbys intercut w/ Kay trying to locate him. 19:41:15 Int. meeting of farmer’s co-operative. Armstrong shows up; Carson shows up, then Doyle. Cooperative to give contract to the fastest run next Saturday. 19:42:52 Trucks out of garage. Train leaving station, runbys of trucks & train. Doyle & Carson in engine. POV in front of trucks & runbys. 19:45:06 Engine in to water tank, pulls down spout but no water in tank. Trucks past. 19:46:40 Doyle tells train to pull out, gets men onto roof to break up ice in reefer car & pass it to the engine water tank. Man at gun point in refrigerator car. 19:48:08 Trucks runby & train runby. Trucks run over camera; run thru tunnel. Engine catching trucks & they race for railroad crossing. Train first into station. Doyle gets contract. The End. Americana; Railroad; Family Business Stereotypes; Lawyer; Economics; Capitalism; Competition; 1930s B Movie Feature Film; 1937; Comedy; NOTE: Film is public domain but music rights are unknown. User is responsible for clearing any necessary rights. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.