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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220635-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918,1910s
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,England,France,Italy,Russia,United Kingdom
Location: Prague
TC Begins: 14:42:13
TC Ends: 14:57:33
Duration: 00:15:20
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWI - 1918, Czechoslovakia: Independence Title. 28Oct18 General Dr. Scheiner & Adjt. Rosicky reading oath of allegiance in Prague outdoors. Czechs arriving / returning from Italian Front w/ crowds cheering, military band. Scheiner & Rosicky review troops returning from WW1 Italian front. Street parade, girls in folk dresses - celebrations. 14:44:13 Intertitle: M Klofac, Dr K. Kramarc & Dr. M. Stanek, Minister for Public Works. Klofac addressing the people. Rally for the new Socialist Democrat republic. 14:45:05 Intertitle: Col. Husak, Commander of Czech forces in Russia. Reading statement. Huge crowd. Military band. 14:46:02 Intertitle: French & British Aviators were royally treated by teh Czecho-Slovaks. CUs. 14:46:17 Intertitle: Zahradnik, Minister of Railways starting an inspection of the road. Steam train leaving to meet presidential train. President Masaryk w/ Zahradnik surrounded by crowds. 14:47:26 Intertitle: Awaiting the arrival of Masaryk, entroute to Prague. Presidential train carrying Masaryk - crowds on platform. Masaryk arrives at Horni Dvoriste en route to Prague, crowds on RR station platform cheer. President & daughter Olga greeted by delegates. Bread & salt given. Czech soldiers guarding train. 14:48:48 Intertitle: The Italian General Luigi Piccioni, Commandant of Czech-Slovak volunteers in Italy greeted Pres. Masaryk. Masaryk w/ daughter Olga & son John. 14:49:33 In the name of the Czecho-Slovak Republic, Zahradnik bids the President Welcome. Representatives from the allied countries. Gen. Piccioni assures Italy’s friendship for the new Republic. 14:50:35 Intertitle: Enroute to Prague... Steam train en route to Prague - last leg of journey. Buildings in Prague w/ banners & flags of Allied Nations. Crowds line street. 14:52:11 President Wilson Station, tilt down clock tower. Flag of new republic. Crowds waving. 14;53:20 The butchers arrive at the station. Men at attention w/ huge cleavers. 14:53:33 Interior station as President’s train arrives. Band plays. President out of station & into horse-drawn carriage. 14:55:40 Intertitle. Clement Simon, French Chargé d’Affaires & Col. Montgomery Cunningham into waiting carriage. General Piccioni in open car leaves thru cheering crowds. 14:56:34 Zahradnik, Minister of Railways into waiting car. In the Royal carriage of the former Emperors, the Hapsburgs, travel Alice, Olga Masaryk & the poet Machar. Post-WW1; Post-War Independence; Celebrations; 1910s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: