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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220598-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1919-1920s
Country: France,Germany,USA
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 05:43:50
TC Ends: 05:52:51
Duration: 00:09:01
Post-WWI - Germany, Berlin Scenes German 1918 newspaper headlines. People climb statue of Kaiser. 05:44:20 Speaker w/ umbrella waved in front of street demonstration. Newspapers. Kaiser ? out of (into) car as film printed backwards. 05:44:51 German soldiers on trucks thru streets; inspect deserted trenches. 1919 Newspapers. German troops ride thru streets, crowds watch. People pass through soldier & police checkpoints, barbed wire in streets. Street scenes of business men. 05:45:46 Staged set w/ policeman talking in front of curtain to audience (SOF). 05:46:11 Soldiers firing rifles & moving artillery in street fighting. Filled street w/ crowd running towards camera. Newspapers intercut w/ shots of fighting in streets (Strike of 1919-1920). Political & military VIPs in square. 05:46:55 Montage w/ Josephine Baker, black band, jazz age dancing, CU legs. Headlines. 05:47:23 Feature film? men in beer garden drink from large steins. 05:47:36 Montage: construction workers, housing, railroad station & boarding trains, beach scenes, summers tent camp, large women eating & cooking outdoors, circus trapeze act, chorus girls dance in CU. 05:49:21 - 05:50:04 NOTE: Unknown rights re 50s chorus girls. 05:50:04 1920s Troops parade thru Brandenburg Gate. Street scenes & statues, architecture, gardens, parks. American tourists in open bus w/ flag. Other buses, etc. 05:51:00 Montage unidentified VIPs & places. French & other military & VIPS (leaving Germany?). German mounted military bands & parades thru street. Large building construction. 05:52:10 Author & philosopher Thomas and Katja Mann, Artist Kaethe Kollwitz. Author Gerhart Hauptmann reading from one of his books (SOF). Boxer Max Schmeling on boat to USA. Actor Emil Jannings shipboard. Film director F.W. Murnau in film studio (”Tabu”) - cameras. 05:52:40 Zeppelin in flight and landing. Launching of “Bremen”. Post-WW1; Celebrities; NOTE: No rights to music or track, provided for reference ONLY.