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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220598-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1911
Country: Austria,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Germany Austria,Hungary,Poland,Yugoslavia
Location: Brandungluck in Gyongyos,Galizien / Galicia, Ukraine,Krakow,Sarajevo,Vienna
TC Begins: 05:30:30
TC Ends: 05:43:35
Duration: 00:13:05
Pre-WWI Royalty - Central European 21Oct11 Marriage of Kaiser Karl / Charles & Princess Zita, VIPs arriving in formal military uniforms. Guests assemble in outdoor courtyard. Bride and Groom kneel at wooden benches - outdoor wedding. Priests & altar boys. Guests watching, men holding top hats. LS Castle & grounds. MLS guests walking about. 05:32:20 Intertitle. 05:32:23 Herr Erzherzog w/ Frau Herzogin in carriage - ride in park. Park scenes - tropical greenhouse / hothouse interior. Slug. 05:33:03 Pathe intertitle. 05:33:11 Still photograph couple. 05:33:25 Franz Josef Strasse - people walking in street. 05:33:3? Intertitle. Sarajevo - estate / mansion - park. 05:34:25 Intertitle. LS of bridge over river to large ornate Mosque in Sarajevo; ids outside as Muslims / Moslems at prayer. 05:34:46 Intertitle. Pan fleet in harbor. Coffins ceremoniously brought ashore. Priest giving blessing. LS Royal funeral of assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 05:35:?? MS Priests in procession leading horse drawn ornate carriages. Large flag draped casket carried. 05:36:?? LS from boat past castle on lakeside. 05:36:?? Intertitle. Procession w/ autos entering palace (?). 05:36:54 Intertitle. Rural scene. Franz Joseph (?) out of carriage. 05:37:32 Intertitle. Austrian mobilization w/ soldiers following officers on horses to dock; posing as Kaiser Karl speaks to troops. Goodbye kisses & troops waving from train leaving on train from railway station. 05:38:?? Slug. 05:38:?? Title: Aufnahmen der Sascha Film Fabrik fur die Zentralstelle der Feldkinos des ?? Kriegsfursorgeantes. 05.38.45 High Angle / HA LS Royal Funeral procession (?). MS from sidewalk of clergy, military officers & mourners, women covered by black veils, walking past watching crowd lining street. 05:40:56 Title: Unser Kaiser Karl in Tyrol beside railroad car on station platform. Kaiser Looking w/ binoculars in mountains. Slug. 05:41:?? Intertitle. Kaiser Karl in Brandungluck in Gyongyos. Procession followed thru city street. Slug. 05:41:45 Intertitle. Kaiser with Honved Division troops in Galizien / Galicia; 05:41:55 Intertitle. Kaiser in Krakow. HA into carriage & leaving. 05:42:2? Intertitle. Die Wiedereroberung von Czernowitz.... Kaiser cheered as he rides in open car thru street, flowers thrown at him. 05:43:?? Intertitle. Meeting with Burgermeisters. Shaking hands; receiving flowers from 3 young girls; leaving. Pre-WW1 1910s; Royalty; Stock Footage; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. SPEED CORRECTED.