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Roswell Reports, The Part 1

Reel Number: 221057-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s-1997

Country: USA

Location: DC,New Mexico,roswell,Washington

TC Begins: 11:00:10

TC Ends: 11:09:05

Duration: 00:08:55

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk The Roswell Reports Part 1 Newspaper headline - Roswell Daily Record - ‘RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region’; VS many books on the ‘Roswell Incident’; ‘UFO Museum’; brief shot of bogus “alien autopsy” film; ‘New Mexico’ magazine cover. VO “despite the vested interest a questionable credibility of all sources involved in generating the media hype, the US Air Force is routinely accused of concealing a deep, dark secret from the American people”. Newspaper clippings inc. ‘Busting the Balloon of a Real-Life ‘X-File’ re case reopened in 1994 by NM Congressman Steven Schiff to determine whether US govt. held information regarding alleged crash of UFO & alien crew in Roswell in July 1947. 11:01:30 AV Pentagon. INT man & woman opening file in records vault - shelves. Cover of completed report; map of Roswell; pages of report w/ VO describing finding: not remains of alien craft found, but wreckage from top secret ‘Mogul’ research project “to accoustically detect suspected Soviet nuclear explosions & ballistic launches”. 11:02:25 Good LS nuclear test explosion & mushroom cloud col. US WWII battleship burning after Pearl Harbor attack - Early Warning System then main priority. VS equipment used in Mogul tests - attached to weather balloons - launched by two men. Newspaper headline as before re discovery by rancher of “flying disc” - actually Mogul equipment. Stills of US airmen w/ debris - identified as radar targets & weather balloons. Headline ‘Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer...Excitement Not Justified’. 11:04:00 Intertitles: ‘Alien Bodies and the Roswell Incident’ - no claims of alien bodies made when wreckage found in 1947 - titles summarise claims made by UFO enthusiasts from 1970s onwards re transportation of alien bodies to Roswell AAF hospital, intimidation of civilians by military etc. Graphic showing documents found after publication of 1994 report - more info to explain theories of alien bodies - second report written to take them into account. 11:06:39 Air Force activity of type misunderstood by witnesses c1950s col - balloon unit - pilot into test balloon. Military funeral 1980s - “exploitation of air force members killed or injured in the line of duty”. 11:07:13 Rest of film devoted to Five Main Conclusions of 2nd report. First conclusion: military operations misinterpreted - AV crash site in desert; ‘aliens’ actually anthropomorphic dummies - stills of military dummies in use - shows 1980s TV commercial w/ talking crash test dummies w/ slogan ‘You Could Learn a Lot from a Dummy - Buckle Your Safety Belt’ Extra Terrestrials. UFOs. Flying Saucers. Aliens. Hoaxes. Legends. Myths. Conspiracy Theories. NOTE: Any continuous 13 minutes (3 cards) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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